Thursday, February 19, 2009


I'm getting back into running, but still feeling (right) foot issues and now I think the ITB in my right leg is starting to bother me again. I'm going orthotic. I think it'll help get me back on track and really, with everything else I've been trying to do to correct my problem, why not give them a try? I feel good to have finally made this decision. 

Yesterday was a big day of training. One hour run in Central Park straight to the pool where I did about a half hour of drills and then on to my main set. After that, I ran errands, literally, around my neighborhood and then an hour of strength training in the afternoon. Having a backpack full of groceries, I found, is a great way to work on running strength!

The pool was VERY crowded and sort of annoying. There was this one woman who would not accept the idea of circling and was giving the poor lifeguard a hard time about it. The funny thing about it is she was pregnant. I wanted so badly to ask her how she was going to teach her child to share. I knew if I opened my mouth, I'd end up being the one getting the boot, so I just shut up and swam. 

This past Tuesday, I got my lactate threshold and VO2 Max tested. It was a killer test, but strangely I enjoyed the torture. My numbers came out around where I expected/hoped them to be and now I have my exact HR zones for upcoming workouts -- very useful information!

Today, I'll go for a nice, easy bike (work on that endurance) in Central Park. I'm hoping the roads dry a little more so I don't have to completely wash the bike again when I get home, but I don't see that happening. 


Big Daddy Diesel said...

UGH, I know the feeling, people go and do what ever they feel like with no regards to others who FOLLOW the rules. And when the rule followers make a comment, we are the ones that get in trouble.

Recently while swimming, a dad brought his kid in to splash around. So while working on distance, I noticed they climbed into my lane, so I switched to the other side of the pool (the lane markers were out), next thing I know they are both in my lane again. Standing right in the middle of the lane. I had to stop and all he did was say "What". If his kid wasnt there I would have given him a piece of my mind.

Jt Netterville said...

Where do you get your Vo2 tested and what kind of equipment did they use?


Our pool is always crowded, and at 42, I am usually the youngest kid there. I just think of it as Ironman swim training.

BTW what did the LT test numbers come out like? You could do an entry on the test, and the results.

Jenn Place said...

I have to wonder how that dad made it this far in life and I seriously worry how his son's gonna get by.

Jenn Place said...

Okay, it seems I have to post some more about the testing and results... :-)