Today is a crosstraining day. I'm planning an easy bike ride in Central Park and then some strength training later on -- if my knee cooperates, that is. I'd love to ride over the GW bridge, like old times, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. Besides, I'm afraid once I do it, I'll fall in love with it again and be back to my once-a-week 5-hour rides. I really don't need that before November 1 -- MARATHON DAY. I need to stay focused on my running (and not getting injured).
I felt like everyone I know raced a tri this weekend except me. This is really hard to deal with emotionally and now that I'm feeling pretty good physically, it's even harder. I'm so glad I have the marathon as my goal. It's definitely keeping me in check.
jenn- so great that you are back on the bike! wanted to tell you, when I started running last year my knee began doing the same thing. Now, by no means am I any expert, doctor, or have any more than 1-2 years of running experience... but I did fix it randomly. sometimes the knee cap shifts to the left and right ever so slightly as you run, creating the pain. what i did was very light leg presses and squats to strengthen the muscle and ligaments above and below the knee so it stayed on a vertical track as i ran. it totally worked and when i ran the 'thon i had zero pain (i mean, aside from wanting to die at mile 20 like everyone else of course).
LOL! Chris, thanks for the advice. It's interesting what you said because I was thinking that when I was also biking and swimming, I never had any pain, so I went out for a bike ride yesterday. When I left, the knee hurt but by the time I got back, it felt better. Magic! Now let's hope it lasts.
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