Sunday, May 23, 2010

Second Place at First Tri of 2010

The start of the 2010 racing season seems like the right time to start blogging again, especially now that I've completed my first triathlon since last year's injury. Yesterday was the Harryman Olympic tri at Lake Welch, NY.

After some doubt about whether or not there would be a swim, the race went on as a triathlon. I was happy I could get the swim in because this is my tune-up race for Eagleman next month and I needed the open-water experience. My swim was pretty good and I finally felt what it's like to draft off a strong guy and stay on his feet. It's like surfing and I can't believe the amount of energy it saves!

The bike course was one 21-mile lap through the park. Simultaneously, there was a 1/2 ironman in progress, which was multiple laps on the same course. It started with a right turn and quick, long downhill. At the bottom, we "U" turned and climbed up the same long hill. There were lots of false flats and a pretty strong headwind, and a few other big descents and climbs along the way. I felt really strong and found myself in the lead pretty early on. It was pretty much me and a few guys and, at some points, just me!

This is great, but with nobody around to follow and NO mile markers or clearly identifiable officials pointing us in the right direction at the turnoff back to transition, I missed it and wound up descending that big hill and having to climb it a second time to get back on course. I lost at least 10 minutes because of this and was so angry, I told myself I'd remove my timing chip when I got back to transition and do the run as training with no pressure.

But I get back to T2 and can't believe what I see. There are hardly any bikes around! Is it possible I'm still doing this? My spirits are lifted as I refocus and realize it's not over yet. I go back into "race mode" and am the first woman out of T2, though I didn't realize it at the time.

At around mile 2, I was passed by super fast runner, Lauren Cullen. She encouraged me to keep going, but I couldn't quite stay with her. At this point I knew I was going for second place, which is still better than I could possibly imagine while I was climbing that hill again. I finished in 2:10:13; about 2:00 behind Lauren and 3:00 before the third female finisher.

Though it's frustrating to know how much time I lost because of poor course markings, it's encouraging that I still managed to stay in the game and hold on for second place. Maybe this will be what fuels my fire even more when I go down to Maryland for Eagleman 70.3 in three weeks! I'm so excited to be racing again.


Rebecca Chan said...

You're amazing! And Nicole had the same issue at Doc & Sok yesterday too!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Congrats on the poduim finish

Jenn Place said...

Hi Rebecca. Thanks! I think tri officials are starting to take the increasing number of triathletes out there for granted and it's making them sloppy. It's really unfortunate. I feel sorry for Nicole. Wasn't that her first tri ever?

Hey, thanks, Diesel. Hope you're well!

Sara Ellison said...

Jenn - Congrats on a great race!
There were even worse directions at Jerseyman this past weekend. One guy had to run his bike up from the finish line after a volunteer sent him on the run course rather than the bike course! Really excited that you're writing AND racing again!

Jenn Place said...

Thanks, Sara. I saw the photos on FB. Everyone looks so happy and proud. Made me miss TL a little. Wish everyone well for me!