Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm a triathlete, not a rock climber!

It's been a while since I've done long ride over the GW bridge because it's been too cold (I've learned my lesson that sometimes an indoor session is the only option). Yesterday, I finally got to do it in perfect weather. River Rd., for any locals who may read this, is still blocked off 3/4 of the way through (heading north) by a 25-foot-wide wall of boulders. It's the biggest let down to be cruising along preparing for that final push up the big climb only to come upon this road block and have to turn back. Again, I hoisted myself up two or three boulders to contemplate scrambling across, but common sense prevailed. In slippery cycling shoes with a bike over one shoulder in a park where there's nobody around and a nice little drop off where I could lay in a ditch for hours...nah. I turned back and went out to 9W instead where I continued for a total of around 60 miles. I felt really strong on the ride. Coming back, the weather started to turn and I got hit with a nasty little headwind, but I used it as an opportunity to practice tucking into my most aerodynamic position and pushing through.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a nasty cramp in one of my quads. It felt more like a searing pain than a typical muscle cramp, but I stretched it out and fell back asleep. I hope it doesn't come back when I'm biking this morning in Central Park with Team Lipstick. Having your coach start screaming in agony while training you probably isn't the best motivator.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl,

sounds like your training is going super well, despite the terrible white stuff that's settling down outside. It feels like this winter stretches along so slowly. Perhaps a trip to FL for me and Thomas is coming up soon!

Jenn Place said...

Hi Steph, I've been thinking a lot about you. Hope you're well. I know, just when it seems to be Spring, we get hit with a foot of snow. Rob's going to FL for a fishing trip this weekend. I'm a little jealous but happy to stay here and work with the team.