Monday, February 2, 2009

An Interesting Spin

I've had a busy last couple of days. Lots of training and getting on with my new goals. As far as training goes, I've been doing really well with my swimming drills. I'm already feeling better about my body position and driving power more from my core, less from the arms, and improving my kick.  I also had another fun time at Cadence on Saturday with Team Lipstick on the computrainers. Not only am I enjoying the workouts there, but also having fun getting to know everyone better. 

Finally, I spent all day yesterday up in Rhinebeck, NY getting my Schwinn Indoor Cycling Coach certification. I'm looking forward to putting my own personal "stamp" on what I learned and developing the classes I want to teach. I've always been told I'm someone who inspires people at the gym, so I'm excited to take on this new role as teacher.

Today I'll be doing an easy hour and a half run, as long as my foot doesn't start hurting. It seems to be doing a little better each day. 

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