Monday, January 19, 2009

Got another goal for the year

I'm thinking about what the weather was like at exactly this time last year. I remember because my husband's birthday is in January and we were walking through Central Park with our jackets over our arms and biking that night wearing just long-sleeved jerseys and cycling shorts. Each lap around the park, I'd proclaim, "one more!" knowing that the crazy warm weather wouldn't last -- it was a very unique birthday gift. 

So here I sit watching the snow fall, again, and, as beautiful and appropriate as it is, it's kind of a bummer. Yes, I'm saying it...I'm ready for spring. 

I went to the gym again this morning. This time for some more strength training. I made sure I focused on some of the things I tend to forget like lower back and balance/core exercises. I can do 10 unassisted wide-grip pullups in a row, each from a dead hang, but ask me to do a plank on my hands and toes with my left leg and right arm extended for a full minute and I'll laugh.

On my list of goals for 2009, gaining better core strength, as well as flexibility, ranks high. For a number of reasons, this should help me improve in all three disciplines as well as reduce these tendonitis-type issues I seem to be having lately (last season it was ITB syndrome and now I've got the foot problem). My chiropractor tells me I need to stand on one foot, close my eyes and balance for 10 seconds, then switch feet and do it again, back and forth. Ever try it? It's hard! Or maybe it's just hard for me, but it really shouldn't be. 

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