Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NYC Temps Follow Wall Street's Lead

I thought Monday was cold? Monday was a heat wave compared to today. It's so cold that when I boarded the subway to get home and saw a tiny speck of seat remaining between the wall and a rather large woman swaddled in layers of down, I couldn't wait to settle in and cuddle with her. 

I got up early and headed to the gym for some treadmill running and weights this morning. Somehow, my treadmill runs always turn into interval training sessions. I get so bored I need to challenge myself, I guess. 

After a 5-minute warmup, I cranked it up to 10.5 mph and sprinted for 1 min, rested 1 min; sprinted 1 min, rested 45 sec; sprinted 1 min, rested 30 sec; sprinted 1 min, rested 45 sec, sprinted 1 min, rested 1 min. Finished off with 5 or so min at about 8 mph. By the last interval, I was definitely feeling it, though I think I could've either gone a little faster or done a few more sets. Afterwards, I did some weights/core work for about 45 minutes. 

Anyone else happen to catch live coverage from the floor of the NYSE at the closing bell this evening? The reporter is talking about how December saw the worst retail sales decline "ever" while a cocktail party's in progress behind her. There were people holding glasses of pinot and waiters offering canapes on silver platters. It was like some weird Wall St. exorcism ritual.  


Anonymous said...

That happens to me now all the time, too. Like this AM - had in mind to run 6 miles and changed it to 4 miles of sprints! It's just more fulfilling right now and the music I was listening to just called for it:-)

Stay warm!!!

Jenn Place said...

RIght now, whatever makes it more fun is fine by me. I'd much rather be outside.